Macross Abbey in Ireland


Ireland's amazing natural landscapes give way to exciting stories from the life of the Gali (indigenous people). Proud and freedom-loving, on their fertile and picturesque land, they have withstood many trials. However, this did not prevent them from preserving their language, culture, historical traditions.

From about the 6th century, according to legend, an ancient Catholic church stood on this place. Religion has played a huge role in people's lives. But the 8-10th centuries for the country were marked by the invasions of the Vikings. They mercilessly plundered wealthy estates. Parishes in the first place, because they contained the main values ​​of those times. The cathedral was destroyed.

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It is worth noting that Ireland constantly suffered from civil strife. This was probably due to the attitude towards marriage. Many illegitimate children of the royal family claimed power. One of the poets in the Middle Ages, who visited the Emerald Isle, noted that the servants here will soon disappear completely, only kings will remain. Incessant strife greatly weakened the state, but this was also its plus. There was no center for the invaders to conquer.


In the middle of the 15th century, Eire was already colonized by England. But, exhausted by that time by the war of the Scarlet and White Roses, she could not "put things in order" on the island. Constant popular uprisings against the British weakened the power of the colonists in an already fragmented state. In such a political situation, one of the Irish kings of the McCartney clan named Domnall en Dana was carried away by the ideas of the Franciscan monks and was imbued with them. And in 1448 he built a new monastery on the site of the destroyed temple. It was named the same as the nearest lake, Macross.

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A Franciscan monastery operated for two centuries. During this time, many events took place under his roof. The monks ruled, educated the people in the surrounding villages, preached love for their neighbors, and were engaged in scientific research. But the political situation in the country was reflected in the clergy too. Being attacked, they even left their abode, but returned again.

In the mid-17th century, when General Cromwell led troops to suppress the uprisings, the Emerald Isle was the fiercest war that Ireland has known. According to experts, up to 56% of the Galov died at that time. A huge number of buildings were simply burned down. Macross Abbey did not escape this fate. Only the walls have survived to this day.

Killarney National Park

Killarney National Park, located in County Kerry, is truly a masterpiece of all natural art. Delightful lakes, covered with varied vegetation of all shades of green mountains, valleys with unique yew and oak groves, many trunks here can be clasped by only six of us. The reserve is part of the famous Ring of Kerry, a tourist trail through Ireland that includes some of the most remarkable attractions.

Mountains and waterfall

The highest peak in the McGillicuddys Ricks, located in the park, is Carantuill. Trekking tourists especially love it, despite the flowability of the slopes. The beauty and uniqueness of the Tork waterfall, 18 meters high, will be remembered for a long time for its entourage of plants of unusually bright, enchanting flowers.

In pretty villages here you can get acquainted with the life of ordinary Irish people who are engaged in agriculture, sheep and cow breeding. Their way of life and customs have practically not changed since the past, differing only in the presence of electricity and running water.


The splendid gardens next to Macross Manor are striking in their splendor. Created for the arrival of Queen Victoria in 1850, they make a stunning impression on tourists with their flowering flower beds and neat paths between manicured trees. The castle itself serves as a striking architectural symbol of Ireland.

The stunning landscapes can be admired on foot, by mini-bass, or by car. But guests get a special feeling while riding a horse-drawn carriage, this is the most popular local attraction. The special smell of the horse, the sounds made by the wheels, the clatter of hooves, the magnificent pictures of the Middle Ages will not leave indifferent even inveterate skeptics.

Ancient abbey

The remains of an ancient abbey are also located nearby. Without any decoration, the white walls are the best way to show the attitude of the Franciscans to worldly excesses and a sedentary lifestyle. The square tower is surrounded by arched partitions, overgrown in some places with wild grapes. A huge yew tree in the middle of the monastery courtyard, according to legend, is the same age as the building, and was an eyewitness to all the events that took place here.


The cemetery near the abbey is still in operation. The Irish are very sensitive to the burial of their ancestors, they choose only the holy land, next to the temples. The soil here is very rocky, the area is small, so common family graves are made here. In the fenced area, you can see modern burials adjacent to the tombstones erected in past centuries. Gaelic leaders and commoners, poets and farmers were buried here.

In the dense fragrant thickets, the walls of the monastery look proud and dignified, practically not destroyed, they stand as a graceful monument to an unbending character. And all around are fabulous landscapes. Giant ferns, rhododendrons, strawberry trees and other flora, many of which are found only here.


The beautiful lakes of Killarney Park attract anglers. You can even catch brown trout and salmon in them. The thickets are full of birds and animals. There are also such rare species as the Irish red deer, very large and beautiful, which is found only here.

The reserve has a well-developed tourist infrastructure with comfortable hotels and campgrounds. All year round, excursions to the wonderful places of the historical and cultural heritage of the great people are held.

Ross Castle in Ireland is another notable castle in this country.


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