15 main attractions of Velikiye Luki


Despite the fact that Velikiye Luki has been known since the 12th century, very few architectural and historical monuments have survived here. This is due to the strategically advantageous position of the city, which has long stood at the crossroads of all roads, and not a single war has spared it. The city suffered the most during the Great Patriotic War. Most of the historic buildings were destroyed. Of the 14 churches, only the Kazan Church and the Holy Ascension Cathedral were restored.

Most of the local attractions are associated with military events. Numerous memorials and monuments remind of the heroic past of Velikiye Luki. Some of them are located on the high ramparts of the Velikie Luki fortress, preserved from the 18th century. The museums-estates of S. Kovalevskaya and M. Mussorgsky are of interest in the vicinity of the city.

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What to see and where to go in Velikiye Luki?

The most interesting and beautiful places for walking. Photos and a short description.

Velikie Luki fortress

The first defensive fortifications appeared in 1198. Later, the fortress was rebuilt or rebuilt more than 10 times. The remains of the buildings of 1704-1708 have survived to this day, which were built on the bank of the river at the direction of Peter I. Since 1971, the fortress has been declared a museum. Occupies an area of ​​12 hectares. There are 6 bastions overgrown with grass and earthen ramparts up to 20 meters high, on the surface of which paths, the remains of a gate, and the foundation of the temple have been laid. There is a park nearby.

Obelisk of Glory

A 26-meter stone column, crowned with a star, rises above the Lovatya River, on the rampart. Installed in 1960. Dedicated to the memory of the soldiers who died during the liberation of the city. The author of the composition is Mart Port, an architect from Estonia. A capsule with the ashes of an unknown soldier is buried under a marble slab at the base of the column. There are also mass graves of soldiers of more than 20 nationalities, including those who fought in the Estonian division.

Monument "Tank T-34"

The opening was timed to the 30th anniversary of the liberation of the city from the Nazis. The monument was erected on the territory of the Velikie Luki fortress, on the western Engineering Bastion. Dedicated to the soldiers-tankers who died in the battles. The author of the project is the local sculptor V. Sokolovsky. An impressive tank is fixed on a reinforced concrete pedestal, where the years of the Great Patriotic War are indicated, as well as commemorative inscriptions dedicated to the fallen defenders of the city. A staircase leads from the foot of the hill to the monument.

Monument to Alexander Matrosov

It rises above the grave of the legendary hero, whose remains were transported here from the village of Chernushek in 1948. The opening of the monument took place in 1954. The creators of the project are V. Vuchetich and V. Artamonov. The figure of Matrosov is set on a high pedestal, made of bronze and has a height of 4 meters. The memorial plaque indicates the years of the hero's life, and describes his immortal feat. The square on which the monument is located is named after Alexander Matrosov.

Stele "City of Military Glory"

Velikie Luki was awarded the high title in 2008. On this occasion, 2 years later, an 11-meter column with the coat of arms of Russia was erected on Lenin Square. On its facade there is the text of the presidential decree and the coat of arms of Velikiye Luki. A column was installed on a granite platform, at the corners of which there are 4 pedestals with themed bas-reliefs. They highlight the most important pages in the history of the city, starting from its foundation in 1166. There are similar monuments in other cities of military glory.

Museum of local lore

The funds were formed after the revolution by the withdrawal of valuables from monasteries, estates, voluntary transfer of exhibits by the townspeople, etc. During the war, the museum was destroyed, most of the funds disappeared. It was created anew from the 50s. Since 1992, the expositions have been housed in the Museum of Komsomol Glory, named after A. Matrosov. Collections of archaeological artifacts, ancient weapons, coins, as well as exhibitions dedicated to the nature of the region and military events are presented.

Velikie Luki Drama Theater

The date of foundation is 1919. One of the creators was S. Eisentstein. The first season opened with the staging of the play "At the Bottom" by Gorky. The beautiful building in the style of late classicism, which housed the theater to this day, was erected in 1947-48. The current repertoire consists of classical and contemporary productions of different genres. Recently, the theater has been touring the country a lot, taking an active part in festivals, including international ones.

House-Museum of Academician I. M. Vinogradov

Founded in 1986 in a renovated wooden house of the Vinogradov family. Here the Moscow office of the famous mathematician is exactly recreated. Presented are documents from the personal archive, books, scientific works, valuable gifts, awards and genuine things of the scientist and his family members. The total number of museum exhibits is more than 6,000 items, most of them are provided by the Mathematical Institute. Nearby there is a park named after Vinogradov, where his bust is installed.

Holy Ascension Cathedral

It was erected in 1752 at the nunnery at the expense of Abbess M. Kartseva. It was made in the Baroque style, had 3 thrones, a high bell tower with 9 bells. One of the most revered shrines is the ancient icon "Joy of All Who Sorrow". After the revolution, the monastery was abolished, the church was closed, the bell tower was dismantled. A warehouse was organized in the church building. In the 90s, the building was repaired and returned to the parishioners, but the temple, unfortunately, lost its former beauty and grandeur.

Kazan Church

The brick building in the style of Baroque architecture was erected in 1821. Its appearance has hardly changed. The iconostasis, one of the three thrones, wall paintings, and a bell on the belfry have survived. Unlike most churches, Kazanskaya continued to work in Soviet times, even for several years it was in the status of a cathedral. Nearby there is an ancient cemetery of the 19th century, where famous residents of the city were buried until 1960.

Temple in the name of St. Tikhon

The idea of ​​building an Orthodox church in the northern district of the city arose at the end of the last century, but work began only in 2012. The temple was built on charitable contributions from parishioners and city organizations. Its consecration took place in the summer of 2016, on the occasion of the 850th anniversary of the city. This is the first religious building that appeared in Velikiye Luki over the past 100 years. The temple is expected to become a cathedral soon.

Chapel of Alexander Nevsky

It was originally installed on the former Voznesenskaya Square in 1884 in memory of the deceased Emperor Alexander II. The chapel was made of cast iron at the expense of the townspeople and the merchant M. Glazov. Inside was the image of Alexander Nevsky, and the lamp was constantly burning. Divine services were held near the chapel. During the revolution, the building was destroyed. The restoration was timed to coincide with the 830th anniversary of the founding of the city - in 1996. The new chapel is made of bricks.

Museum-Estate of Sophia Kovalevskaya

The estate is located 25 km from Velikiye Luki, in the village of Polybino. It is a two-storey building of the XIX century with an outbuilding, surrounded by a park. In the 19th century it belonged to the Kovalevskaya family, here she lived until the age of 18. Since 1982, a museum dedicated to an outstanding woman mathematician, which has no analogues in the world, has been opened on the territory of the estate. Among the exhibits are paintings, photographs, autographed books, letters, wardrobe items. A bust of S. Kovalevskaya is installed in front of the house.

Museum-reserve M.P. Mussorgsky

This is the ancestral home of the ancestors of the outstanding composer on the maternal side.Located 60 km from Velikiye Luki, in the village of Naumovo. The Musorgsky Museum created here is the only one in the world. The expositions are housed in 4 preserved buildings and give an idea of ​​the life and work of the maestro, as well as of the peasant life of the 19th century. The estate hosts music festivals, theatrical performances, folklore festivals. There is a bust of the composer at the entrance.

Balloon Festival

An enchanting event of an international scale has been held in Velikiye Luki every summer, in June, since 1995. During the week, the sky over the city is filled with huge multicolored balloons. They start from the fortress and then soar over the river. The most spectacular competition is the kei-grab. A tank is installed on the river, and pilots must calculate the flight path so that they can hit it with a marker. To do this, the baskets have to touch the surface of the water.


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